Accreditation System Setting Up


Accreditation System Setting Up, Tecnhnical Support and IT Equipment Rental

We support organizers, supplying, installing and supervising all the necessary technological elements of accreditation management in the event.

Management and accreditation software, reading elements (barcode readers, QR code, RFID arcs, computer and printing equipment, etc.

This is controlled and supervised by qualified technical personnel for the duration of the event.

We install and configure the computer network necessary for such equipment, as well as all technological elements.

As a fundamental part of access and attendance control systems, we design accreditations for the event, based on customer requirements, in terms of design, formats and sizes.

We carry out prior to the dates of the events, the customization of accreditations for attendees as well as the implementation of all the necessary mechanisms for access control and attendance with both barcode systems and RFID tags.

We also move our teams to the venue of the event, in order to deliver credentials to last minute participants to the event.

All this through our accreditation management software QCongresos MySQL , which is the most important component of the identification system, since it allows us to control all attendees of the event (speakers/companions/guests/exhibitors etc.).

We use the highest quality criteria and professionalism.

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Company specialized in providing technological services for conferences and events

C/Barcelona Nº 38 1ºD
15010 - A Coruña - España.
Móvil: 656864990




QR reading


Web development





Abstracts management

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