Digital Scientific Poster - eposter


Digital Scientific Poster (Interactive Signage)

It is New Featuring System for all Scientific Communications.

As an alternative to traditional scientific poster presentation systems, we present a new system called eposter that consists of presenting the posters in electronic format with high definition touch screens, where event attendees can search through different fields (title, author, keywords, etc.) a specific poster and view it in full screen with all its details.


  • It's a practical system
  • It's agile
  • It is more accessible to Speakers and more comfortable when presenting their work
  • It is a more sustainable system since it’s paperless
  • All works are visible, by all during the event
  • It has a customized search system of all submitted works for each event
  • It is scalable, you can place necessary elements as needed in several areas of the event venue

What's it all about?

Its main element is a 42" Full High Definition TV, ergonomically mounted on a stand specially designed for the system. It is a touch screen panel that allows users to use their hands. A 100% custom software for the event with the desired image and the rest of all necessary elements to search for information in all works featured.

How does it work?

It starts with a Speaker who sends his work to the Technical Assistance.

  • The Speaker models his work in a PowerPoint file (r) with specifications defined in the congress regulations
  • From the website of the congress the Speaker sends the file to the Technical Assistance, through a link prepared for it
  • The work is received and we give the necessary treatment for the presentation at congress
  • That's all !

Other features

Among its features stands out:

  • Voting through the accreditation of the Speaker with barcode or QR code
  • Statistics of the most voted posters and the most visited ones
  • Poster Download / View through mobile devices by scanning the QR code of each poster

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Company specialized in providing technological services for conferences and events

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15010 - A Coruña - España.
Móvil: 656864990




QR reading


Web development





Abstracts management

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